Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible sound track from YouTube,
Image(s) to assess previous learning
What to do:
To assess previous learning place an image/s in an envelope and stick under each students seat before they enter the class. On teachers command of go (play the mission impossible sound track at the same time), students must scramble to find their envelope under their chair/desk, rip it open and circle (identify) as many safety issues as they can.
Less able to identify.
More able to explain/Analyse.
Mission Impossible sound track from YouTube,
Image(s) to assess previous learning
What to do:
To assess previous learning place an image/s in an envelope and stick under each students seat before they enter the class. On teachers command of go (play the mission impossible sound track at the same time), students must scramble to find their envelope under their chair/desk, rip it open and circle (identify) as many safety issues as they can.
Less able to identify.
More able to explain/Analyse.