Perceptions- Points of View
Whilst watching a film or video clip students are designated specific roles to watch the video from that person(s)/group(s) point of view or perception.
A DVD/Youtube clip etc.
How It Works:
For example:
Whilst watching a BBC Panaroma Clip about the London Riots. Students are seperated in different groups of individuals. (These are based on their expected end of Year targets.)
E.G- Criminal- middle aged, jailed for 2 yrs, single.
Students have to then feedback to the class when the video is stopped at pivotal moments, but only using the perception of the individual/group they are representing.
Students should be able to realise there are different viewpoints on the same issues.
Questions to use could include;
‘What do you feel about ________ as a (member of public/journalist/criminal/police officer.)’
‘What would be the main problem against your group in this situation?’
Teachers can ask students to work in groups of 4 and designate a role to each member themselves.
A DVD/Youtube clip etc.
How It Works:
For example:
Whilst watching a BBC Panaroma Clip about the London Riots. Students are seperated in different groups of individuals. (These are based on their expected end of Year targets.)
- Members of the public- 3.2-4.2
- Journalists- 4.5-5.5
- Criminals- 5.8-6.2
- Police Officers- 6.5- over
E.G- Criminal- middle aged, jailed for 2 yrs, single.
Students have to then feedback to the class when the video is stopped at pivotal moments, but only using the perception of the individual/group they are representing.
Students should be able to realise there are different viewpoints on the same issues.
Questions to use could include;
‘What do you feel about ________ as a (member of public/journalist/criminal/police officer.)’
‘What would be the main problem against your group in this situation?’
Teachers can ask students to work in groups of 4 and designate a role to each member themselves.
Tag:questioning, Recall