
Check out the links here for the tools listed below.
What to do:
Websites and APPs are not the answer to fantastic teaching and or learning.
However, I definitely think they HELP with fantastic teaching and/or learning.
Here are some websites you can use… (All links on my Pinterest page.)
- Padlet- An online noticeboard- students can share/post links/docs/embed
- Socrative- A questioning based website
- Quizlet- Create your own quizzes
- Wikihow- Students/Staff can create step by step…
- iFaketext- Creates fake texts in an iphone template
- Aurasma- Augmented reality
- Wix- Create your own website
- Screenr- Annotate video
- Polleverywhere- Create an open question for all students to respond-free
- Wordeo/Wordle/Tagxedo- Create displays/images/revision notes
- Triptico- Variety of games
- Go Animate- Create talking characters
- Make Belief Comixs- Make resources more interesting
- Puzzle Maker- Make online/personalised resources
There are of course many, many more… these are just a few!