Thought Bombing
Image by +Lisa – Jane Ashes |
Plastic Balls? Text
What to do:
Read full post/idea here by @LisaJaneAshes
- Set a thought provoking question- get students emotionally involved in the question
- Give students 30 seconds each to provide an answer in pairs
- Connect pairs into triads and give another 30 seconds a pair to share their answers
- Introduce the Thought Bombs– Plastic balls with information about the scenario added in
- Get the Thought Bombs passed around the room, literally read, put back in the ball and throw around the room
- Get students to then prepare a persuasive speech about the question
- Students should use Hexagons (around 6) to write their speech
- Within each hexagon they must use a particular language feature- such as, hyperbole, alliteration, metaphor and so on.
- Then ask students to add connectives between each hexagon by writing a connective and placing alongside the speech
- Students present
I did this first hand today at a conference Lisa and I were both presenting in run by @OptimusEducation. It really is a great idea!
You can vary any of the above points!
Click here for my post about Hexagonal learning!
Tag:group work, Literacy, pair work