Page References

Need to create a topic checklist
Click here for a template.
What to do:
A few years ago I wrote this post called Traffic Light Progress. Where I suggested giving students’ checklists of content from units of study. I asked to get students to RAG rate their progress/levels of understanding- Red= Bad, Amber= Average, and Green= good.
I still do this, however, in line with an ideas by Kate Bloomfield who argues that students exercise books should be the best revision guides they can get I have used her idea to get them to number every single page and create a contents page that is stuck into the front of their books. (Click here for more details!)
This post combines the two ideas together.
Give students checklists, get them to number their pages, then ask them to put page references next to each section along with RAG rating their quality of notes. This should help trigger what they need to improve on and more importantly, redo?
Students can create checklists from their completed work first? Then compare to the checklist you provide?