My Marks
Flip chart paper, pens and an exam question.
What to do:
Give students an exam question- allow them to answer it in pairs e.g “Use a case study to describe the responses to river flooding” (8 marks)
During a teacher led Q and A students feedback the criteria for a good answer.
For this example students identified that a “good” answer would:
1)Use describing connectives – additional, also, another, etc
2)Name the case study in the opening sentence.
3)Include specific facts and figures from that case study.
4)Have 2 paragraphs. 1 on immediate responses and 1 on long term responses
5)Use key words from the question e.g. flooding/ responses.
Students then gave each criteria a score. E.g. 10 marks for using describing connectives. 20 marks for facts and figures. Every time they used a describing connective they got 10 marks, and for each fact they got 20 marks.
Students would add up the total score for their joint answer.
Students then reflect on where they gained and lost marks.
Students then individually rewrite their answer by beating their original score.
Final feedback task to get students to reflect on what they will have learnt and how their exam answer can be used.
Try it for your subject?
Guest Post by @LCreanGeog/@teacherworkload