Staff CPD Mrs Pearce has provided a PP which she used for her own staff on Behaviour Management here!A link to my presentation ‘A Teachers Guide to Cognitive Load Theory’ in pdf format (one copy with my notes). If you would like original PowerPoint files please DM. Feel free to use. Attribution would be nice.
— Daniel B (@dan_braith) July 29, 2019 This is useful!Really enjoyed delivering this whole-school session on managing classroom behaviour last week, forming part of our behaviour reset. Lots of reference to TLAC and research on school behaviour, culture & social norms.
— Mrs Pearce (@PearceMrs) June 29, 2022 Some Year 13 Self Marking Quizzes!Here’s the #RECKit litmus test I outlined in my @DTW_Education #GAConf21 TeachMeet talk … a quick and easy way to assess whether your geography lessons and resources pass the “parody test” – thanks to @Steve_Puttick for this great phrase #geographyteacher @The_GA @davidErogers
— Caiti Walter (@EduCaiti) April 9, 2021 Check these resources out by Zeph!***SELF-MARKING GOOGLE FORMS***
I’ve just uploaded google forms for all of the AQA A level physics year 13 content. All self-marking & coverage of the whole specification. Hopefully you find them useful; if so consider sharing so others can find them! — Peter Edmunds 🦄 (@edmunds_dr) July 4, 2022 Spot the Spinach anybody!?➡️In my shared drive you will find 19 folders, over 350 files, CPD research, infographics, illustrations, PowerPoints, Graphic organisers,templates, quizzes, dual coding resources and icons png’s. Plus PE stuff. Please share link below.
— Zeph Bennett (@PEgeekscorner) January 27, 2021 5 Evidence informed papers-Spot the spinach T&L training video 2, S1. Watch the video, spot the spinach and during pause, discuss your findings. 1. At which point would you live coach? 2. What would you say? @CST_London @WatersideAcad @UTCNorfolk @PetcheyAcademy
— S Zaman (@Shofiquez) July 3, 2022 Some CPD/INSET scenarios?These are the five papers I think all teachers/ leaders should read – 5 Evidenced Based Papers All Teachers Should Read (Updated)
These are often cited in more recently published papers — Stephen Tierney FCCT (@LeadingLearner) July 3, 2022 A thread on Behaviour Management!This may be useful for CPD sessions with trainees or coaching on behaviour for learning.
— Kate McCabe (@evenbetterif) July 2, 2022 A bank of geography lessons?Behaviour Toolkit (v2) – a thread
I find it useful to have a simplified overview of high utility behaviour management strategies on my desk. I choose one or two each week that I’m going to make a conscious effort to improve. (I explain each strategy in more detail below ⬇️) — Mr Leyshon (@RyonWLeyshon) July 2, 2022 Click HERE for @MrLPeachey latest CPD session on Memory and Sequencing.Hi Bethany, I can add these fully referenced to you on These are super helpful!
— Amjad Ali (@TeachLeadAAli) June 26, 2022 He has also recently shared his Learning Journey which has proved to be extremely popular too! Check it out here… Here is ANOTHER popular resource by the talented @MrLPeachey – download by clicking here.Here is the whole school CPD session that I delivered this evening on Memory and Sequencing. If anyone would like it please RT and DM. Happy to share and save time. Credit to and very much inspired by @olicav & @EnserMark #sltchat #teacher5oclockclub #TEACHers #teacher5aday
— MR PEACHEY (@MrLPeachey) September 26, 2019 Here is a ready to download and use CPD session I ran for colleagues on the topic of ADHD. Let me know your thoughts.Would anyone be interested in our Careers provision and well sequenced delivery map? If enacted will satisfy all Gatsby benchmarks. Happy to share at the weekend if people are interested. Please RT 🔄#SLTchat #ukedchat #teacher5oclockclub #teaching #teacher5aday #TEACHers
— MR PEACHEY (@MrLPeachey) October 2, 2019 Here is @MrsSpalding’s #TENC19 presentation which I watched- extremely useful!ADHD and you…
— Amjad Ali- #offlineagain (@ASTsupportAAli) July 24, 2019 Here is a Padlet by @Ludi_Jones she has collated for her NQTS…My @TeamEnglishNC19 presentation from today is here to download: #TENC19
— Caroline Spalding (@MrsSpalding) July 13, 2019 Here @SPBeale shares his staff CPD session on Guided Reading!Very satisfying evening spent updating my padlet ahead of my first meeting with NQTs on Monday! #sharingiscaring #alwayslearning
— Ludi Jones (@ludi_jones) September 27, 2019 Check out these amazing modules by #CogSciSciI presented to staff about Guided Reading during our CPD session last night. Here is the PowerPoint if you would like to do the same.
— Simon Beale (@SPBeale) September 18, 2019 I will keep adding when I find others… Variations: Check out these threads of useful ideas/tips/tricks! Click here!Have you tried our free CPD modules? Four modules in Basics of CogSci, Retrieval, SLOP, or Assessment through guided reading and short assessment tasks with feedback from the #CogSciSci team. Do them at home or with colleagues and get a lovely certificate
— CogSciSci (@cogscisci) October 30, 2019