‘Live Lessons’
Click here for a help guide for PowerPoint Narration.
Click here for a help guide for using Loom
What to do:
During lockdown lots of teachers across the UK were asked to deliver ‘Live’ lessons. This proved extremely difficult for a variety of reasons; access issues, childcare, home schooling and so on.
So, here are my suggestions for a ‘middle ground’, where students can still get an interactive or ‘live’ feel by hearing/seeing their teachers giving an exposition/explanation of the content/activity.
Narrating a PowerPoint, or recording via Loom. Then uploading them to a school Youtube account or Google Classroom etc.
Try it out!
Other recording software include- https://startup.unitelvoice.com/screen-recording-apps
Here is a Google Meet help site- https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720?hl=en
Tag:powerpoint, technology