Here are some editable resources to help aid your revision processes for your students!
Resources:Nothing!What to do:Get students to draw a clock in the centre of their page/book they are working from.Then draw lines coming out of the clock.In each section inform the students to write their revision notes.They must only spend as long …
Resources:A syllabus sheet?A letter template hereWhat to do:This post is inspired after a brief chat with @Marcus_Leach about his idea of angry revision letters. I have adapted what he shared with me slightly!The idea is to get students to write themselves …
Resources:Your ideas for revision!What to do:As revision season is approaching fast lots of fantastic teachers will be sharing their revision resources. To help collective these ideas- share them via twitter using the hashtag #RevisionIdeas15That way others who are searching for …
Resources:Download a template from HERE Download the EXAM Mentor Mat from here too! What to do: Create an exam revision mat (and laminate!) for students using the key content from the Specification. Add questions to generate deeper understanding and evaluative knowledge as …
UPDATED- APRIL 2014Resources:Online timer-displayed on the Smart Board/ProjectorOther resources listed below-when each station is explained! Before students enter have these stations set up in your room…This revision session runs totally independently if you prepare for them- you will not do …
Want a way to help your parents/carers help your students and their child? Here is an editable PowerPoint and instructions…
Use this revision strategy to help improve memorisation of key vocabulary and facts!
Want to find out ways to help students underperforming in your subject?
Click here to learn some ways we can communicate/share information with parents/carers!
🌟 For years, I’ve been on a mission to light up assemblies and workshops for students of all ages – and I’m ready to bring the excitement to your school! Whether it’s virtually or face-to-face, Fridays is when this can …
Use this ready to edit assembly to get our students ready for their exams!
Use these low effort, high impact T&L ideas to help set some out of school learning.