Resources: Paper! Maybe nothing!How It Works:Students to get into groups of 4-6.Students line themselves up… sitting next to each other.Teacher provides the first student with a stimulus- picture/quote/text/ or says the information to the student. (Make sure you stick to a …
Resources:Pictures to support if neccessary.How It Works: Pupils get into small groups. They are asked physically to pose in a snapshot representation of a specific, significant moment. Pupils could work together as a group to discuss what they are being …
Spinning Tops A spinning top can add an element of fun and creativity to you lesson, and can be created in advance by you or even easier made by the pupils. Resources: Paper, ready for pupils to cut …
Resources: Posters stuck up in each corner of the room? How It Works: When a teacher has set a task and activity has been completed; to check on the understanding of the students, how about you ask them to move to …
Resources: Star stickers (cheap in Wilkinsons/poundland/hobby craft etc) A list of what they need to do to achieve the stars How it works: Tell the class that by the end of the lesson there is going to be a star …
Cards to get students Bloomin’ thinking Resources: A set of Celebrity Cards, available on a Word doc. by clicking here–NEW updated Cards here by J Chappell. Rationale: The cards are a mixture of Bloom’s Taxonomy and De Bono’s Hats. The power …
The Alphabet Challenge This activity can be done as a starter or plenary and is really simple with hardly any preparation. It allows for the pupils to reflect on the topic they are studying in a fun but challenging way. …
Resources:Stickers- Red/Yellow/GreenHow It Works: Further to my video- which can be seen here about how to use stickers to signify progress, I have designed this simple strategy. Firstly, a checklist is needed- your exam board might be able to provide …
UPDATED- APRIL 2014Resources:Online timer-displayed on the Smart Board/ProjectorOther resources listed below-when each station is explained! Before students enter have these stations set up in your room…This revision session runs totally independently if you prepare for them- you will not do …
Do you use a random name generator?Such as If so- use it differently!Watch this video for the explanation!It is a really easy/fun/effective way to adapt the use of the random name generator!Guest post by
A Plane Journey of Learning: These cards can be used independently as starters and plenaries, or if you are feeling in a more creative mood why not theme a whole lesson along the lines of an airplane journey, with you …
UPDATEResources:Handout/Explanation of the Magenta PrinciplesHow It Works:Whenever students are presented with a text/information/facts etc they are to use one or more magenta principles… reduce change assemble search connect arrange enlarge simplift classify compare and contrast deconstruct apply prioritise act it …
Resources: A prescription template How It Works: Students become doctors! They diagnose an essay, piece of writing, classwork, homework etc- based on the symptoms– i.e Mark scheme, writing frame etc. The doctor then writes on the prescription template what the …
Resources:Strips of PaperGlue? Stapler How It Works:Students can work in groups.They are asked to write a Keyword/Topic/Phrase/Quote on a strip of paper.They then write a connection/explanation/definition on another strip of paper.However….They must then connect with another keyword+definition… to make a …