Resources/What to do: I have been developing two resources that will help teachers across any phase or subject to involve Digital elements of learning into their lessons. Both resources are being updated regularly- so be sure to check back! Useful …
Resources:You need access to Twitters ‘trending‘ page. (Remember you can filter the trends to make them specific to you/your location.)Use this Twitter template created by @LessonToolbox here! What to do:Scan through what is trending on the day of your lesson? An …
Resources:Google ‘Keyboard Template’What to do:Download and print/laminate onto coloured paper a keyboard template of your choice.You can then carry out a variety of activities with them, for example; Students could create keywords using letters that connect (next to another letter) …
Resources: Students need a recording device? How it works: Pupils are given a topic, theory or subject that they need to research. They must create a video explaining their subject or topic area. Pupils are given the creativity of …