Resources:Your class exercise books.What to do:The idea is pretty simple!Get students to write on only ONE side of their books only. The other side should then be used for: Marking/Feedback (D.I.R.T time…) Peer/Self Assessment Re-drafting/re-doing Revision notes Definitions of Key words …
Resources:You need to organise the worksheets yourself!What to do:If your lesson requires students to record a lot of information down and they are reluctant to write, try this…Get students to write on A3 paper. Get students to write on A3 coloured …
After attending the @WholeEducation Conference today- I feel this post should be removed from drafts and put into a live post!This is not a typical type post- but worth having! Project-Based Learning in Practice: Project-based learning (PBL) has 3 characteristics: …
Resources: Whatever resources you need for the variety of activities you are offering. What to do: Lay out the classroom like a restaurant! Tables can be in pairs? Groups? But have banqueting paper on the tables. And Paper plates. Students …
Resources: A3 or A4 blank paper (any colour will do) Possibly an image that links well with the concept you want pupils to display in their wordscape. What to do: Wordscape = a landscape made of words. Wordscapes are a …
Using students as learning resources is a vitally important thing to do in lessons… I have searched through my toolkit and listed below some key posts to make students either more more independent or more interdependent. Think Tax- Knowledge Bank- …
Resources: Nothing! What to do:Start using this phrase in your lesson- ‘Eureka Moment’It means when a student has- suddenly realised they understand the work, or they have figured out something that was previously troubling them. Or they have moved onto …
Resources: Cut out star shapes? Display area? What to do: At the end of the lesson/day/week- students are selected to be placed on the star of the day/week/lesson board. These should be based either on individual targets or individual praise- …
Resources: Mobile Phone? Digital Camera? Ipad? DOWNLOAD THE RESOURCE/INFO SHEET- CLICK HERE THANKS TO to do:Ask certain students to act as paparazzi for the lesson. Their aim is to take pictures of different events/times/activities in the lesson. They should then print out the …
Resources– Small amount of preparation by designing your own Loyalty Card: Here are some fabulous examples by teachers across Twitter! MissHHale Click here Teacher Tales09 Click Here The Learning Effect- Click Here MissKMcD– Click Here Becky Wood– Click Here How It WorksPupils each …
Resources – Printed grids (3×3, 2×6 or whatever suits)How It Works Each student is given a grid. The students must then walk around the room and find somebody who relates/matches to the statements. Aim: is to get everyone active and focused at …
ResourcesQuestions printed on paper or displayed on Smart Board/written on a whiteboard/half whiteboard half desk.How It Works Thunks are designed to be controversial/thought provoking questions which could link to your subject. They are a great way to spark conversations that link …
Resources: Nothing! What to do: Mix up your classroom teaching by introducing a Lecture lesson then a seminar? Or just a Lecture lesson? Or a just a seminar session? Or tutorial session? To ensure your students are prepared for higher …
Resources:Rubber bands? Bracelets? What to do:Students to be given a set number of bracelets to wear… these can be colour coded/number of braclets linked to end of year targets and so on…Students should then give in their bracelet once they …
Resources:Paper/Coloured Pens How It Works:Students each handed a piece of paper- A3/4?They students must be seated in a way that each student can pass their paper to the person next to them. (You, as the teacher can plug a gap …