Resources:Clipboard- but not vital!How It Works: Students aim is to give out as many signatures as they can. Get students to write down one/two question(s) on a piece of paper (could be used as a starter/plenary/review during the lesson). Give …
Resources: Although this could be a Cheap Shop Brilliant Lessons Posts– I think this deserve to have its own post- as it can be used so simply with any class/age/subject! The Beach Ball What to do: Throw the ball who …
“All Aboard the Poetry (insert other suitable topic here) Train!” Resources: Sounds- A3/4/5 Paper? How It Works: The students are given 20? minutes to annotate a copy of their chosen poem- they could also make a set of well presented …
*UPDATE- 15/02/14*Mini Whiteboards have always been really useful! Heres something a little different!A while back I transformed some desks in my room into Half Desks- Half Whiteboards!They have worked a treat: for starters/plenaries group work individual/paired/group mind mapping providing a personalised …
Resources:Click here to download a copyHow it works:The Review Wheel is a ready made plenary/starter that can be adapted and used at a touch of a button and implemented as a cross curricular approach to suit a variety of subjects. A …
Resources: Liquid chalk pens… (Can also be found on eBay/Amazon at a good price) Task:Students writing on windows- or any glass surface!! The pens are easy to wipe off and come in a variety of colours!You can use your windows to …
Resources: How It Works: Use as a starter or plenary to get students to identify what good learning is. This is ideal for when you first teach a class to lay down boundaries and establish clear aims. It will highlight to …
Linked to RAG123 by @Listerkev Resources:Click here for template by How It Works: As a plenary, students have a choice of exit ticket which they have to answer before they can exit the lesson. The questions on the ticket should push the …
The KWHL grid can be used in a variety of situations The strength of this process is that it starts from childrens’ ideas, so misconceptions and previous learning can be identified and pupils are very much involved in their own …