Question your questioning techniques here!
Resources:A variety- click on each post to see more information!What to do:I have put together a Marking Medley (series of posts linked to effective marking!) So, here is a series of posts linked to effective questioning! Enjoy! An informative post about …
Resources: None! What to do: In order to increase oracy levels of students and get them answering questions as productively as possible, try this… Write: Add Build Challenge On your whiteboard. When students are to answer any question either you …
Not a regular/usual post from me but more of a summary of the key messages I learnt today at #TLT14…Session 1:@TeacherTweaks workshop on differentiation. Their blog here. Presentation here. Teacher tweaks #tlt14 presentation from debbieandmel Main takeaway messages for me:Read these four …
Resources:Table Below:Reference to NSEAD.ORG Strategy/approach Process Gains and benefits Thinking Time: Consciously waiting for a pupil or class to think through an answer (before you break the silence) e.g 15-30secs Provide time between setting the question and requiring an answer. Sometimes …
Resources:NoneHow it works:Students have to think of a Killer Question– a question that is ‘impossible’ to answer by any of their peers! (I don’t mean it is impossible- but as in VERY difficult to answer!)However, the student asking the Killer Question …
Resources:Download the prompts from here– (This is not mine- I found this on Twitter- No idea from who! If they are yours- let me know and I will reference immediately!)Or this one by What to do:Use the prompts to help develop …
UPDATE!Resources:Click here for all the resources…What to do:These are a variety of grids to help develop your students ability to question…Amazingly simple to use and very effective! All courtesy of @JohnSayers And for more information about Questioning- Click HERE Idea has …
This is a great strategy to improve questioning and the quality of responses. It also promotes student engagement. Thanks go to @TeacherToolkit for introducing me to this strategy!Resources:A great question to pose – perhaps a thunk!How It Works:Pose – the teacher poses …
Resources: Question cards (little re-usable cards with a Q/? written on it) Or you can use tokens? How It Works: During group /independent task/work give each group/student an amount of Question cards (2 or 3) which they can ‘spend’ …
Download file from Here and an editable word document by clicking here (made by Katie Lang using the inspiration below! This was created by the federation of ASTs of Wokingham LEA. (Which I was a member of). Original document compiled by Gill …
Resources:Crime scene props: Masking tape to create an outline of a dead body, murder weapon, Police “do not cross” tape, various other clues – photos, money, wallet etc.How It Works: You need to create a murder scene; As students come in, ask them to …
Resources:Pieces of paper with a question on one side and the answer on the otherHow It Works:This is a Kagan cooperative learning structure.Students are given a question.They then have to pair up and ask the other student the question thay …
Whilst watching a film or video clip students are designated specific roles to watch the video from that person(s)/group(s) point of view or perception.Resources:A DVD/Youtube clip etc.How It Works:For example:Whilst watching a BBC Panaroma Clip about the London Riots. Students are …
Resources:None.How It Works:Give students a question to think about. They think about it on their own for 30 seconds. Next, they pair up with another student and discuss their ideas for 1 minute. They then join up with another pair to make …