Resources:An image/QuestionsHow It Works:You split the class up into groups- you can use a variety of ways to do this- how about using raffle tickets or random name generator…?This activity works well with an image or quiz questions/answers…One person is designated …
*UPDATE- 15/02/14*Mini Whiteboards have always been really useful! Heres something a little different!A while back I transformed some desks in my room into Half Desks- Half Whiteboards!They have worked a treat: for starters/plenaries group work individual/paired/group mind mapping providing a personalised …
Resources: How It Works: Use as a starter or plenary to get students to identify what good learning is. This is ideal for when you first teach a class to lay down boundaries and establish clear aims. It will highlight to …
Resources:Rewards – stickers, house points, postcardsHow It Works:Pick a child to be your secret student. Shhhhh! Don’t tell anybody as it remains secret.Establish the success criteria for the lesson with the student. Explain that you will be watching very carefully …
Resources:Balloons, envelopes, selotape, permanent pen.How It Works:An envelope is placed somewhere, under desk/chairs. On teacher’s command of go, students quickly look high and low to discover their envelope and rip it open. whilst mission impossible music is blaring out loud!Inside they …
Resources:None.How It Works:Give students a question to think about. They think about it on their own for 30 seconds. Next, they pair up with another student and discuss their ideas for 1 minute. They then join up with another pair to make …