Resources: Hexagon templates – either blank or filled in by teacher A3 (or larger) paper Glue/scissors How it works: Hexagons are an excellent tool for linking up learning and evaluating the end of a topic to see how ideas are …
Resources – Printed grids (3×3, 2×6 or whatever suits)How It Works Each student is given a grid. The students must then walk around the room and find somebody who relates/matches to the statements. Aim: is to get everyone active and focused at …
ResourcesQuestions printed on paper or displayed on Smart Board/written on a whiteboard/half whiteboard half desk.How It Works Thunks are designed to be controversial/thought provoking questions which could link to your subject. They are a great way to spark conversations that link …
Resources: Use the following links- Mr Ali’s Law Blog- Blooms DropBox- How It Works: Use the above links to download resources to get students understanding the different thinking skills involved in learning. These will present them with opportunities to stretch and challenge themselves.As a …
STRATEGY DEPLOYING Resources: (Click on the links to download) Strategy grid Listening/reading/writing activity How it works? Pick a strategy such as ‘Before listening: Think of 10 words we might hear’ and then conduct the task. Afterwards, ask pupils to assess …
Resources:2 DiceHow It Works:Students throw 2 dice and if they get e.g. a 2 and a 4, find the box 2 across and 4 down. They need to make a sentence containing the words/picture from the 2 boxes. The question marked …
PLTs cards to enable students to develop their literacy skillsA set of cards with all the Personal Learning Thinking Skills on them on each of my tables (double sided so students either side of the table are seeing what the …
Resources: Liquid chalk pens… (Can also be found on eBay/Amazon at a good price) Task:Students writing on windows- or any glass surface!! The pens are easy to wipe off and come in a variety of colours!You can use your windows to …
Resources:Crime scene props: Masking tape to create an outline of a dead body, murder weapon, Police “do not cross” tape, various other clues – photos, money, wallet etc.How It Works: You need to create a murder scene; As students come in, ask them to …
Linked to RAG123 by @Listerkev Resources:Click here for template by How It Works: As a plenary, students have a choice of exit ticket which they have to answer before they can exit the lesson. The questions on the ticket should push the …