Use this idea of giving students a clear explanation of the structure needed for their writing, by sticking a strip of information alongside their work!
Resources:None!What to do:I picked up this activity in a Year 8 English lesson. (Thank you to the my English Dept. again!) Whilst looking at Narrative, focusing on the genre of romance, students were asked to complete a ‘conflict graph’ after watching …
Resources: None! What to do: There are a variety of methods to prompt students. These include: (Taken and adapted from here.) Instructional prompts Example Gesture prompts Nonverbal prompts – pointing, head nods, hand motions, smiling, Verbal prompts -Specific verbal prompts -Nonspecific …
Resources:Paint colour charts. (You can get these by emailing your local DIY store or going in for a visit) What to do/Variations:Once you have the colour charts you can carry out a variety of tasks, such as: Synonyms of a …
Resources:Use this grid here Print onto A3 or larger for best effect.What to do:This activity is another one of the popular Roll a series… click here for all other posts!Students should be given one or two dice. They roll the dice …
I seem to be obsessed with tasks that involve either a random element to them or students rolling dice!Here you will find a collection of all those posts! Roll a starter by @Tombrush1982 Roll a plenary by @Tombrush192 Roll a sentence Roll …
Resources: Lots of scrap paper Big pens A clear area on the floor What to do: Give students a big pile of scrap paper – about A5 size. Ask them to imagine a place. They should write the …
Resources:Use the prompts created by @LearningSpy on @David_Triptico fab website to help. Click HERE.(Slow Writing idea is from @LearningSpy’s book.) What to do:The focus of this task is to get students to slowwwwww down their writing. Students should take time to …
Resources:None!What to do:Student’s must plant somewhere in your school, a poem that they have written!They might, for example, pin a poem to a notice board, in a corrido, blue tac a poem to a classroom door, a locker or tape …
Resources:Download the document from hereAlso visit for more RE based resources.What to do: Provided by the RE dept. Use this FARMER technique to help students structure their answers for 6 mark questions. Use the top tips box to support …