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Perceptions- Points of View
14th November 2011questioning,Recall
Whilst watching a film or video clip students are designated specific roles to watch the video from that person(s)/group(s) point ofClick to read more
14th November 2011knowledge,plenary,synthesising
A way to get pupils to reflect on their learning during the lesson. Resources: A4 sheet of paperClick to read more
KWHL Grid-Research and explore
14th November 2011AfL,assessment for learning,knowledge,plenary
The KWHL grid can be used in a variety of situations The strength of this process is that it startsClick to read more
Compass Thinking
14th November 2011Analysis,Diagnostics
Resources:Picture of a compassHow It Works:The NEWS point on a compass represent an area for debate.For example, when exploring aClick to read more
Think, Pair, Share- THEN SQUARE
14th November 2011questioning,team work
Resources:None.How It Works:Give students a question to think about. They think about it on their own for 30 seconds. Next, they pairClick to read more
Million Pound Drop
14th November 2011evaluation,knowledge,questioning
Resources:Questions with 4 possible answers – either on a powerpoint or written on the boardA3 paper per group (folded in to fourClick to read more
Go Fish
14th November 2011Active learning,knowledge,Recall
Resources – Set of facts/statements about the topic How It Works – Pass a jar round the class, selectedClick to read more
Mission Impossible
14th November 2011AfL,assessment for learning,starter,student engagement
Resources:Mission Impossible sound track from YouTube,Image(s) to assess previous learningWhat to do:To assess previous learning place an image/s in anClick to read more