Use the SEARCH bar or click on TAGS to find something specific. Otherwise, scroll down and find something to Try and Refine!
Marking Crib Sheet
Save yourself some time by using this Marking Crib Sheet to provide effective feedback!Click to read more
All of Andy Tharby
Check out @Atharby's series of resources aimed at helping us teach better!!Click to read more
#TMOxford 15/12/16
Sign up for the annual Cheney School TeachMeet- #TMOxfordClick to read more
On One Hand
This support sheets helps students structure an answerClick to read more
9th September 2016maths
To try to integrate Maths and Physical Education together!Click to read more
Musical Feedback
9th September 2016feedback;
Use the catchy elements of popular songs to help with feedback?Click to read more
Work It Out
Get students active whilst learning too!Click to read more
In It Together
20th May 2016revision
Resources:(Staff) Lanyards.What to do:In the run up to examinations to promote a collegiate approach to preparation and revision why notClick to read more
Exam Time Clock
Resources:Examination Paper(s)What to do:Get students to complete an ‘exam time clock’!They must section off from a clock how long theyClick to read more
Revision Clocks
26th April 2016revision
Resources:Nothing!What to do:Get students to draw a clock in the centre of their page/book they are working from.Then draw linesClick to read more
Plastic Wallets
13th March 2016Active learning,displays,planning
Resources:Plastic Wallets, mark pens, wet wipes?Buy some A3 plastic wallets here?What to do:Save some money/time/photocopying by getting students to completeClick to read more
EXAMiner Reports
Resources:A knowledge of your examination board.Click here to view an example!What to do: After marking any mock examinations. Ask staffClick to read more
Take Note
31st January 2016note taking
Resources:NoneWhat to do:Have you considered how students take notes in your lessons?Here are a few ways to adapt/change those commonClick to read more
Iceberg Thinking
24th January 2016deep learning,knowledge
Resources: Something like the below image by @Englishlulu? by @EnglishLulu Haven’t used these in a while, did today. Iceberg thinkingClick to read more
Graphic Organisers
10th January 2016resources
*UPDATED JAN. 2021* Resources:Do not create new resources for common activities. Do they really make a difference if they areClick to read more
3rd January 2016assessment,target setting
Resources: Students work/text to work from What to do: Start January 2016 with students completing their ‘best’ piece of work. Click to read more